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Easter's Glorious Message for Those Who Grieve

Anyone who grieves can certainly identify with the unspeakable horror and breathtaking glory that must have been the experience those closest to Jesus lived through all those years ago. I can see myself in the agony Mary must have felt when one of the disciples came to tell her that Jesus had been taken by the Romans. The sleepless night she and Joseph spent along with the rest of his family and friends – pacing, wringing hands, crying and consoling, doubt, and helplessness – I know these feelings. You too? Yes. We who grieve have been there. We know the suffering his beloved experienced as he was tried, convicted, humiliated, tortured and crucified. Every step he took toward the cross echoed despair in the hearts of those who ached to stop it – every one who would gladly have taken his place seared their minds with the endless question – what can I do?!?

When his last breath shuddered to stillness in his lungs, we know the tender anguish that melted the hearts of those he left behind as they lowered that beloved body from the cross, washed it with their tears, anointed it with oils, wrapped it in cloth and laid it in a tomb. The emptiness of their hearts as they gathered together – huddling against the hopelessness – too stunned and bereft to remember all the precious Truths he had taught them; our hearts have been to that desolate place too.

The women who went to the tomb early that Sunday morning were the first to remember. Put yourselves in their place. Imagine the sensation as confusion gave way to hope then remembrance of his promises. Hope sprang to life in the barren landscape of their hearts, the words of angels fanned that hope to a blaze – a blaze that will never die!

Through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, God created the ultimate production to broadcast to all humanity across all time the glorious Truth that He wants us to remember every single day of our lives; Death is a Lie! We have nothing to fear from death. Jesus came to show us that we are meant to be victorious over the tomb.

This is powerful good news! It is news that is a balm for the grieving. We miss being with the loved ones who have joined Jesus in Glory – but we know they are there and that they are close by us every minute.

Just as your heart has been broken, much like the hearts of Jesus’ beloved ones broke; so too, as their hearts blazed with the knowledge that resurrection and ascension are the continuation of every story, let your heart Blaze!

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